Monday, September 16, 2013

why now?

 After years of flirting with the idea, I have finally decided to take my narcissism to a whole new level.
            I am starting a blog. 
I can see the question forming in your mind, "Why now?"
Well, let me explain......

1. Today is my 31st birthday. No, I do not feel sad or older. I do not feel the need to prove my worth. I just feel the need to do. I am finally ready to explore new opportunities, and to find new hobbies to enjoy. 

2. I can. My circumstances have recently changed, and I now have more time to write.... and ponder...... and blog.

3. I love to join a trend late! I was the 8 year old desperately clinging to her walkman when everyone else was carrying their new cd player.  And I was the college student listening to her clip on RADIO while all the other college students listened to their mp3 player. So, considering my own mother has now had a blog for a little over a year, I figured it was time for this girl!

4. I have a voice, a life, and ideas that are worth sharing. 

So join me as I start this new adventure. I hope to explore aspects of my life in ministry, my experiences as a mother to two awesomely adorable boys, the new path I'm beginning to navigate, and just pearls of wisdom and entertainment in general.

Mama said there'd be days like this, and I'm going to tell you all about them!

1 comment:

  1. As your mother I just want to say how proud I am of you. You are a wonderful daughter, woman, wife and mother. You have a unique outlook on life and a love for our Savior that is refreshing. You have always made me smile - even when you shouldn't have - you just have that kind of personality. I know your followers on this blog will fall in love with you and will also leave with a smile. Best of luck with it. I love you.
