Today, my oldest child turns four. All traces of baby are gone. He looks, sounds, and smells like a boy. I am excited about this new phase of development, but I am also nostalgic and weepy. I'm sure this is normal mommy emotion, but that doesn't make the lump in my throat any smaller.
Isaac was awful at being a baby. He hated sleep and fought it furiously. He was forever hungry and never satisfied. He was mysteriously angry...all the time. Praise to God, he finally settled into his skin, and around 6 months of age we reached an understanding of one another. By 12 months of age he was flat out fun! He was still stubborn, but also extremely loving. He laughed about everything, slept like a champ, and completely owned my heart.
Toddler and preschool years have been tough at times. My awesome napper became an occassional napper. His strong will molded into full on attitude. This is when parenting officially became hard work. Consistency, discipline, prayer, and a punching pillow ( for me) were vital. My fluffy fiction reads were replaced with " Raising Strong Willed Boys" and other parenting staples. My husband was amazing! He willingly took on the role of leader, and is helping our boy navigate these tough years.
My newly four year old boy is wild, tender hearted, sarcastic ( that one is my fault-- working on it), and still strong willed. He is an awesome big brother, has the BEST laugh, and still has my heart.
Happy Birthday Isaac! I'm so thankful you're mine and I'm yours.
♥ The years go by so fast-enjoy every strong willed minute.