Last Monday I posted about my new found determination to lose weight and get in shape. I worked out all week, ate right, and shunned sugary drinks. I was down two pounds and feeling invincible!
Then Friday came...followed by Saturday and Sunday. My determination became a slight inclination. Eating right was a minor concern, exercise was climbing the stairs, and sweet tea was guzzled. I didn't just fall off the wagon, I crashed it then lit it on fire and danced around it. The worst part is that I really don't feel that guilty. I'm a bit disappointed with myself and my lack of self control. I realize that I didn't even make it a full week and how pitiful that is. I guess I just haven't bottomed out yet. I haven't reached my point of desperation, and I'm not so sure I'm going to reach it before Thanksgiving or Christmas.
My amazing hubs did much better than I did. He had a pretty successful weekend, and I am quite proud of him. Maybe his success will be the catalyst I need.
So dear friends, I asked last week that you hold me accountable ( and several of you really did try). Despite my weekend failure and current feeling of indifference , I do still want and need your accountability. Continue to show the tough love. Maybe with your help I'll put down the oreos for good.
Don't beat yourself up, start small. Small changes are easier to maintain. My husband uses an app called myfitnesspal, he has lost 50 lbs. since this spring.